Thursday, February 7, 2013

Watch It Rain

I’m calling it!  Schools around here are going to be closed tomorrow due to snow

Good job, Jeremy.  Everyone else is calling it, too.  You're not special. 

So as you may or may not be aware, it's winter here in the Greater Jeremy Area.  That occasionally means that it's going to snow, and depending on the amount and timing of that snow, it can cause issues.  Well, tomorrow's snow is expected to cause issues.  I've seen numbers ranging from 2 - 16 inches of snow over the course of the storm.  2 inches would be acceptable...16 would suck right out loud.  I'm hoping for something on the lower side of that estimate, but the line between 6-12" and 12-24" keeps creeping closer and closer this direction, so I'm not optimistic.  

That said, the mere thought of snow closes most of the schools around here.  They're a bunch of wusses.  In my high school days, a foot of snow didn't even result in a 2-hour delay.  The school board just laughed at us and said, "Get up, suckers...time to go to class!"  I'm not sure how I feel about all these schools getting snow day after snow day for amounts of snow that wouldn't even have caused an eyelash to blink back then.  I'm sure there's some jealousy because I never got any snow days when I was in school...just two "Cold" days when the high temperature was somewhere in the 10-below range.  There's also a sense of relief that the school buses won't be out on the roads where they can get in accidents and give lawyers something to do.  

So, folks...that's it for today.  I'll be battening down the hatches after work today in anticipation of a little extra crap to shovel tomorrow.  It'll be fun! 

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