Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I Can't Believe I'm Ranting About Politics Again

Today, I can say with renewed confidence that the State of the Sametime Status is strong!

This is the part where you expect us to all stand up and cheer wildly, right?  

Ideally, yes.
Not going to happen.

Had to try anyway.  So last night was the big State of the Union Address.  Did you watch it?

Of course not.  

Well I broke with tradition and watched some of it!  It was thrilling.  Well, maybe not quite thrilling, per se...more like....uhmm...what's the other one....tedious.  Now, let's be clear.  When I say I watched some of the speech, I think I had it on for maybe a minute and a half while the hockey game was showing a commercial.  This was enough time for the President to be interrupted by boisterous applause from half of the assembled audience three times while the other side sat around with disapproving looks on their faces.  Seriously, they must practice that, because nobody can actually be THAT opposed to what somebody else has to say that consistently.

Of course, that's merely the nature of politics these days.  The elected official from the other political party, despite believing in policies that are only minutely different from yours on a grand political scale, is your mortal enemy whose goal is the total destruction of the country.  This leads to priceless moments of childish behavior from elected leaders like one side of the room cheering wildly which crickets emanate from the other.  Did anybody watch John Boehner during the speech?  That dude was fantastic!  The only way he could have maintained that face for the entirely of the speech is if he had a gallon jug of pure lemon juice positioned just under the desk and was sipping through a straw every time the camera wasn't on him. 

So what do we get?  We get approximately 250 people who are ecstatic at everything the President said and 250 people acting like the President is a big meany and are taking their ball and going home.  This is exactly what I wanted when I paid my taxes. 

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