Monday, February 18, 2013

I'd Like To Get A Sample Of Your Brain Tissue

Am I the only one who doesn’t believe that the “meteor” in Russia had nothing to do with aliens? 

It does seem awfully suspicious that on the same day we were expecting an asteroid to come close to earth that a second, previously unknown "meteor" would enter the atmosphere causing chaos.  Why didn't the government tell us about this meteor, instead, causing widespread panic about the asteroid that came nowhere close?  

For those unawares, last Friday, there was an amazing phenomenon in Eastern Russia, where a giant fireball appeared in the sky, followed by a literally earth-shaking sound.  Watch One Of Many Videos Here!  Fortunately for all of us, this occurred in the land of dash-cams, where police corruption and insurance fraud run so rampant that nearly every car on the road is recording video at all times, so we have dozens of videos of this happening.  I believe this is unfortunate for the Government, of course. 

Nobody has come out and told us the true story of what happened, and what's really in that giant ball of smoke and fire in the Russian sky.  Why haven't they come clean?  

Are they trying to hide the fact that it was a visiting delegation from an extraterrestrial planet, and are calling it a "meteor" just to divert attention?  If it is an alien space ship, were aliens from the same planet also responsible for the eerily similar event in Tunguska, Russia in 1908?  Nobody is being very forthcoming with answers to these important questions, and it's up to us to ask why.  

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