Monday, February 4, 2013

It Was Super

Congratulations, M+M’s, for winning the 2013 Super Bowl!

Uhm...sorry to burst your bubble there, Jeremy...but they weren't playing.  

Quite the contrary!  M+M's were playing the part of the game that mattered the most...the commercials!  Every year, the hype for the big game is only equaled by the hype for the commercials that will be shown during the game.  They're supposed to be really good, because there are a metric crapload of people watching, and the advertisers paid over $4 million for a 30-second commercial spot.  When I pay 4 million bucks for something, it better be good.

Yeah, because you do THAT all the time...

Well, this year, the commercials for the most part, stunk.  There were a lot of commercials for beer that I don't want and cars that I don't want.  There was also a mildly disturbing commercial for web hosting that I don't need.  Doritos had a commercial like they always do, and it was actually pretty decent.  But, the best commercial by far for the evening was the spot for M+Ms which featured the anthropomorphic red M+M playing a piano and singing a cover of Meatloaf's "I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)."  It was good.  

Other than that, I lost every last one of my bets, so I didn't win money, free pizza, or bragging there that is.  A good time was had by all...with the possible exceptions of the electric company and the losing team. 

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