Monday, March 28, 2011

This happens more often than you might think

Anyone remember what my Sametime Status was supposed to be?

Sure don't. Isn't it written down already in your file?

Nope. It was a new one that we just came up with yesterday after the volleyball tournament. It was actually pretty funny...but when I woke up this morning, I had totally forgotten what it was supposed to be.

Now that I have a Droid, this sort of thing is easier than it used to be. Often, when I think of a good Sametime Status, I can simply email it to myself right then on the spot. Then, when I get to work, it's right there in my email, and I can transfer it to my Word doc (Now 62 pages long, containing most of the Sametime Statuses I've ever used), and when its time comes, onto the Instant Messenger it goes! For whatever reason, yesterday's brilliant idea got lost in the shuffle, and never made it to Status form. Oh's everyone's loss. I'll try to do better tomorrow.

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