Monday, March 21, 2011

No, I didn't sweep. That's crazy talk.

There. Now I don't have to clean my garage for another three years

Maybe if you did it more often, it wouldn't take so long.

You know, that's the same tack my parents always took when trying to get me to clean my room when I was growing up. Didn't work then, won't work now.

So it's been a bit under 3 years since I moved and obtained a garage for the first time. It's been nice. A special area of the house that I can put my car in to protect it from the elements and make sure I never again have to brush snow off of it first thing in the morning. It's also a special area of the house that I can pile all sorts of crap in when I don't know what else to do with it. I have extra bathroom tiles I'll never use, a couple landscaping stones I don't need, a ficus tree, the headboard to a bed whose existence in my house is an utter mystery, and a piece of vinyl siding for the house that seems to be extra, in addition to the ever-growing collection of tools (Thanks, "High's"), car supplies, lawn mower, snowblower, golf clubs, and somebody's volleyball net (One of these days, I'll bring it back, I swear).

Needless to say, all of this junk takes up room and can become a little cluttered. Well, when working with electricity, it's somewhat important not to have a bunch of clutter getting in the way. It's also important not to have somebody standing behind you waiting for his opportunity to make "ZZZT!" noises. Over the weekend, I actually cleaned up the garage a bit. It still has almost as much crap in it as it did before, (and it has new electrical wiring, but that's beside the point), but now it's a little more organized and navigable. More importantly, it's something I won't have to do again for another 3 years. Woohoo!

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