Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Not like in "Psycho"

My new shampoo scares me a little

I know this must be traumatic for you...having to take showers.

So I once again fell victim to my habit of ignoring the fact that a product may come in a new container. The "New Look - Same Great Taste!" bit has become so ubiquitous that it doesn't even register in my mind.

And yet the word "ubiquitous" does.

So when I meandered down the shampoo aisle of my favorite neighborhood grocery store, it didn't even bother me that the shampoo that I typically use (which, for purely Blag purposes, let's call "Sophisticated") came in a new bottle. I tossed one into the cart and went on my way.

Hopefully you didn't toss it too hard...that stuff can leak if you're not careful.

Later on, my existing bottle went dry, so I got the new one out of the cabinet. This all happens first thing in the morning, mind you, when my brain is woefully ill-equipped to deal with any sort of surprises. I squeeze some of the shampoo into my hand and am startled by the fact that it's not only opaque, but also a dazzling shade of neon blue. I'm not talking about a light periwinkle kind of blue like a lot of shampoos come in, this stuff looked like it was glowing. It actually did startle me a little bit, and I wondered if I would turn into a giant turtle with ninja skills after I washed my hair. Sadly, all it did was make my hair clean and manageable. Of course...I still have a whole bottle of the stuff left, so maybe it just takes time. I'll keep you posted.

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