Friday, March 25, 2011

It's good for my taste buds!

I'm pretty sure downloading the "Five Guys" app isn't good for my health

Too bad "In n Out Burger" doesn't have their own App. I'd download that.

"In n Out" is only on the west coast.

I'm a figment of your imagination. I can live wherever I want.

So anyway, I was made aware yesterday that "Five Guys Burgers and Fries" has their own Android App, which allows you to place an order for your burger in advance, pay for it when you get to the store and take it home. Considering just how delicious and horrifyingly un-healthy their burgers are, and the restaurant's proximity to my house (and soon to be opening a new one close to work, as well), having this app on my Droid makes for a remarkably dangerous combination.

That said, it's a new app for my Droid, so I had to have it. Guess what's for lunch tomorrow.

Macaroni and cheese?

Also, as a special bonus...if you've been living in a hole the last few weeks, you may not be aware of the newest big music sensation on the Internetz. Rebecca Black's smash single "Friday" has nearly 50 Million views on Youtube. When something on the Internetz is this popular, you know it has to be of the utmost quality. So, since it's Friday, please enjoy "Friday" by Rebecca Black!

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