Thursday, July 24, 2008

You've always wanted to know

D. Kolb and E.K.E. Gunderson's study, "Alcoholism in the United States Navy" reports that attempts to prevent, diagnose and rehabilitate sailors suffering from alcohol-related problems are to a measurable degree superior to the older approach of simple hospitalization (published in Armed Forces and Society, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 183-194).

I'm sure that's a remarkably useful study.

Well, I imagine it is. I often hear people singing about what they should do with a Drunken Sailor.

So what else have you got for us today?

I have an amusing flash game for diversion, as well as potentially life-saving knowledge. Ladies, Gentlemen, and People from Elmira, I present to you:

Pandemic 2!!!

That's right, folks, you create a disease, mutate, spread, and infect the world. I haven't actually played it, so I have no clue how it works exactly, but try it out and give me your opinion. Learn to think like Bird Flu, and maybe you have a chance!

1 comment:

Willie Y said...

It is a little complicated. You need to play it a lot to get it. But it's so much fun to infect the world with Pickltomium.