Monday, July 28, 2008

As long as I get to tour the factory.

Drink Slurm. It's highly addictive!

Yanked straight from Futurama. Quite original.

Not the point. It seemed like a good idea to run this Great Sametime Status Message today because of the big news going on in the world.

Which is?

Former astronaut and current patriot Edgar Mitchell has confirmed that Aliens Are Real, and Have Visited Earth!!

Maybe it was just a Bug in an Edgar Suit. Ever think of that?

So apparently, the government and NASA have been covering the existence of Alien life and activity on earth for the last 60 years. But now, the secret is out! Roswell was real, and there really were aliens from another planet, people from another time, and an automatonic robot head buried in the dessert. Let's go find it!!

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