Monday, July 21, 2008

So you want me to give you up?

“Don’t Rick-Roll my wedding.” - My Sister

That wouldn't be very would you go about that anyway?

So, first of all, I'd like to congratulate my sister and her former fiancee, now husband, on their wedding this past weekend.

Probably the only quirk of the wedding reception was the addition of karaoke. My sister and some of her friends sing karaoke in various places on occasion, and she thought it would be fun to have a couple people do their own singing towards the end of the reception. All in all, it worked out quite well. Prior to the wedding, we're all sitting around at home discussing the upcoming activities, and I commented that it would be amusing for somebody to sing "Never Gonna Give You Up," effectively Rick Rolling the reception. I was told in no uncertain terms that I was not to do this.

And then you did?

I most certainly did not! It didn't happen, and for some reason, it became my fault that it didn' least in the eyes of several of the bridesmaids.

So what did you sing?

I sang nothing. I take a certain measure of pride in being able to say that I've never sung this hemisphere.

Alright elsewhere in the news this morning...

McDonald's is running a singing contest of their own. Too low on cash, apparently, to hire their own jingle producer, they're sponsoring a contest, hosted on A "Myspace" Page (Yes, it's real...the McDonald's corporate website links to the Myspace) to come up with the new Big Mac jingle. They call it a chant, but okay. The winner gets their jingle on MTV. OOOoooo.

Not quite as lame as some of the prizes you give away on the Blag, I guess.

Here's the rub. One of the 5 finalists in the contest served 12 years in prison, for....wait for it....Robbing A McDonald's! Good job everyone!

1 comment:

Jeff said...

You know, I was in the car with this guy from work, and it was "80's Lunch" or something on whatever radio station was on, and that song came on. Not in a joking "rick roll!" fashion, just normal song rotation. The guy freaked out laughing because "the radio station is rick rolling us!"

That song is ruined forever.