Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Another 2 Hours Adam Sandler Owes Me

Don't Mess With Don't Mess With The Zohan

Welcome to anotherfun-filled edition of "Jeremy Is In The Theatre"

Indeed. This was how I spent my night last night, and it pales woefully to the regret with which I'll be spending the next week of my life, ruing the fact that I spent last night watching this horrendous pile of crap.

Kinda reminds me of all the hours these lovely people have spent reading this Blag.

While the entertainment values may be similarly low, at least I don't post repeated pictures of Adam Sandler's butt (fish wedged in between the cheeks or otherwise), pretend either Rob Schneider or Michael Buffer can act, or make any attempt to turn repeated references to hummus into a joke. Here's a hint, doesn't work!

I don't know...people may like gratuitous pictures of hot Chick Peas...

The "feelm" did have two saving graces. First, and I'm not entirely how they pulled this off because I believe it's in his contract, but this is actually an Adam Sandler movie where Rob Schneider does not utter the phrase, "You can DO it!" By the way, that may or may not be a spoiler...if it is, and you actually care that I ruined that aspect of the movie for you, seek professional help.

Secondly, I'm amused by cameos for some reason. One of my favourite movies of all time is "The Player," which starred Tim Robbins, Gretta Scacchi, and basically the rest of Hollywood in mostly one-off cameo roles. Zohan does treat us to multiple, sometimes amusing cameo roles from people in multiple forms of entertainment. Look for John McEnroe, in particular.

At least Mariah Carey is better in this movie than she is at throwing out Ceremonial First Pitches:


Willie Y said...

Mariah Carey throws a little bit better then Rick Ankiel of the St. Louis Cardinals.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was supposed to be hancock?

Unknown said...

I would have commented sooner but the movie irradiated the part of my brain that controls my ability to type. Yes I was there. Yes, it was that bad.