Thursday, January 10, 2008

Strangely, the Raccoon won

Yesterday on "Springer," a raccoon got in a fight with an alligator because the raccoon was cheating with a dolphin. I'm actually not joking about that., I can't think of a way you could possibly explain this.

That's pretty much it, really. Nothing to explain. Instead of coming onto the Springer show to curse and fight in normal clothing, 3 people came out dressed as animals to curse and fight. Apparently, they wear these costumes in their "normal" lives as well...apparently at the whim of the Raccoon, and is a point of contention with the Dolphin.

And the alligator is a more willing participant?

Well she was until she found out the Raccoon was cheating. Then it became a bit of an issue.

I guess that's a problem with daytime TV.

Sure is.

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