Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It's strong....big surprise.

Did you watch the State of the Union Address last night? Me either.

Yeah...I was washing my hair. Or something.

Well...I don't want to spoil anything for those who Tivo'ed it, but I'm guessing there were mentions of Iran, Iraq, "Nucular" weapons, the economy, the housing market, and tax cuts. Every one of which was more optimistic than you'll hear anywhere else.

Well, this is to be expected.

Of course. Now...this may have been more useful yesterday, before everyone watched the President talk, but for the Tivo users among you, here's a link to the moderately official State Of The Union Drinking Game. Looking over this list, I'm thinking if anyone played this, they'd be passed out on the floor by the 35th time only one half of congress stood up to clap for 2 minutes.

By the way...I understand today is somewhat special.

Indeed it is. Today marks the 100th post in "Jeremy Is In The Office" history. It's not quite as special as The Simpsons 100th episode, but it's a close second.

Depends on your definition of close.

So thank you to all the loyal readers out there...

...Imaginary or otherwise...

And please enjoy the next 100 episodes.

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