Thursday, January 3, 2008

6 is a Completely Unacceptable Temperature.

"OK, get a pencil, I'm about to solve global warming: Grass-flavored Tums. Done. Put a coat on." - Bucky Katt

What did you say? My ears are frozen.

Today's message comes to you courtesy of Bucky Katt, one of the lovable characters from the whimsical comic strip Get Fuzzy.

This strip from some time ago pits Bucky versus Global Warming when he hears that one of the largest contributors of greenhouse gasses is methane emissions from industrial beef farms. Apparently, this is actually true. So, your homework assignment today is to go home and eat a hamburger. It was 6 degrees (-14.5 C) this morning when I woke up.

Well, you know...

...Yes, I know that's not how global climate change works, but I've got to do something. I can't type this blag entry for the rest of the day, and if I stop, my fingers will freeze to the keyboard.

Would that really be a bad thing?

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