Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Theme Week; Part The Second

Jeremy’s Sametime Status Proudly Presents: Letter Sequence Week!
Identify the following subset of the alphabet: AEILNORSTU

So this one's a little harder then?

That's how it goes....and given how many people pretty easily got yesterday's, there's really only one way to go. After today, you have to get a little creative to figure them out.

How about a hint?


Okay, so how about yesterday's?

Of course. As correctly stated by 2 people on the Blag, and at least 7 others on Sametime, yesterday's alphabet subset (CDILMVX) are all of the letters used as Roman Numerals. Apparently, after you get to the thousands, there's a strange series of lines that you put over the letters to multiply their values, and once you get to roughly a million, there is no consistant pattern. I learned this on Wikipedia, so you know it's true.


Jeff said...

It rearranges to U NORSE TAIL !

No actually these are all the most frequently used letters in the english alphabet, hence why RSTLNE are the given letters for the end puzzle on wheel of fortune.

Jeremy said...

Jeff = Wrong

You're on the right track, but it's not quite the answer we're looking for. Please try again.

Willie Y said...

They are the letters in the game Scrabble which are worth 1 point each.

PS I went to this site http://www.solfire.com/scrabble/
and put AEILNORSTU in and it gave the points per letter. So I kind of cheated a little so don't hold it against me.It is the first time in my long life that I did something like that and I am truly sorry. I am kneeling on Grapenuts cereal for a punishment right now.

Jeff said...


The fact that they are 1 point per scrabble letter is precisely because they are the most frequently used letters. What do you have to say to that, you norse tail?