Friday, October 12, 2007

Theme Week, Part IIIII

Jeremy’s Sametime Status Proudly Presents 'Don’t Be That Guy' Week!
That Guy who puts “Thanks” or “Thank You” in their email signature instead of actually typing it each time they send a message...Don’t Be That Guy.

Other than being the tiniest bit lazy, what's so wrong about that? How can you even tell anyway?

What's wrong with it is that it's hypocritical and dilutes the actual thanking that you're doing. In this day and age, where managers are told to reward employees with a 5-word compliment and a firm handshake (Also known as the Attaboy Special), and that you should always take the time to say "thank you," often that miniscule bit of gratitude is all we get or give. When you water it down by offering it to everybody who ever gets an email from you, and worse, take any sort of effort out of the act for yourself, you're actually taking away from the gratitude you're giving. Sure, it's more efficient, and most of your work emails probably end in "Thanks" anyway, but how hard is it to actually thank the person with 6 or 9 key strokes rather than letting the computer do it for you? Take the extra 2.4 seconds and actually express some thanks for a job well done.

As for how you can that you're all going to start looking for it, you'll find it comes remarkably easily. Most people will mix it up a little bit, depending on the type of email....using both 'Thanks' and 'Thank You' pretty interchangably. "That Guy" will obviously never deviate from their chosen variation, since they don't give themselves the choice. Also, if the Thanking is built into the end of a line of typed text, it's usually a good indication that it's not a Sig. If the Thanks starts and ends it's own line of text, you may be dealing with "That Guy"...also look for a more liberal space than usual between the end of the email and the Thanks. More than one space in between email and Thank You is a sure sign. Finally, look for punctuation. That Guy will often put a period or a comma at the end of their Thank You, which will never change from email to email. Consistancy is a telling sign.

Good stuff today. Very informative. Got anything else?

In fact, I do. If you're like me...

God, I hope not

Then you're probably wondering where rappers and famous people get those shiny gold and jewel-studded teeth. You're thinking how much better you'd look if only you could find a set for yourself. Well, wonder no more!

Mr. Bling!

Also, you're all familiar with the quintessential "Am I Hot Or Not" website. Well here's something along the same lines, but for grills. (And I don't mean barbecues)

See My Grill

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