Thursday, October 11, 2007

Theme Week, Part IIII

Jeremy’s Sametime Status Proudly Presents 'Don’t Be That Guy' Week!
That Guy who wears socks and sandals...Don’t Be That Guy.

This one is pretty obvious...does it really need to be said?

The answer to that, Loyal Imaginary Reader, is a painful, yet emphatic "yes". Especially during the summer months, people ignore this simple rule of etiquette all the time. Now, while it may be a complete violation of decency and all that is right with the world, it does provide us some people to laugh at...and isn't that what it's really all about?

Also, if you should happen to brush off my advice, you may end up on This Website. You don't want that.

Speaking of laughing, does this mean there's no Office tonight?

Not so! There is a new Hour-Long episode again tonight. Don't get too used to the whole 60-minute thing, next week's episode will be the last jumbo episode for some time. We go back to the standard 30-minute format after that. This week, Dwight competes against the new corporate website to see which is the better paper salesman. In case you missed last week, Ryan came back from corproate to launch the new Company Website ask Pam out, only to be shot down quickly. If you're keeping track, this is the second of Jim's girlfriends that Ryan has gone after. Michael drove his rental car into a lake to prove a point about technology, and Toby outed Pam and Jim to everyone. Poor Toby...he has a crush on Pam too.

So why is there no quote today?

Theme Weeks always trump Office quotes on Thursdays. But, if you were caught unaware and came here looking for your Office fix for the week, I'll set you up with a quote to help ease the transition.

  • "When you become close with someone you develop a kind of sixth sense. You can read their moods like a book. Right now, the title of Michael's book is "Something Weird is Going On...colon...What Did Jan Say?...The Michael Scott Story... by Michael Scott... with Dwight Schrute." Dwight Schrute; Dunder Mifflin


Jeff said...


Is it okay to wear sandals with socks if I'm wearing pants?


Jeff Amadon

PS The word verification for this comment was "suexk" which is almost a combo of "socks" and "sucks" AND THIS IS CREEPY!

Jeremy said...

The answer to that, Reasonably Loyal Unimaginary Reader, is a less emphatic, but still undenyable "no". If you'd like to help bring about change, you should feel free to sign this Petition. Also, if you view the Socks and Sandals website linked in the original blag entry, you will see many examples of socks, sandals, and pants. Beware of the banana hammock, though...