Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Theme Week, Part III

Jeremy’s Sametime Status Proudly Presents 'Don’t Be That Guy' Week!
That Guy who cracks a joke at someone’s expense in a meeting, then looks around for everybody else’s approval...Don’t Be That Guy.

That can be pretty uncomfortable, can't it?

Yes...and more than that, it's basically an admission that you did something wrong and know it. But, as long as somebody else is laughing or bobbing their head like a good little sycophant, you're still okay.

But what about the joke itself?

In general, it's not a good idea to embarrass anybody in a meeting, even with a harmless joke. Remember: The toes you step on today may be attached to the butt you have to kiss tomorrow.

So I understand there were some good letters?

Oh, gosh yes...We would have run a Letter to the Editor yesterday, but the rant about the Yankees took precedent. As a special treat, we present a two-spot of Letters from the Erie Times-News:

  • Letter removed at the request of the publisher
  • Letter removed at the request of the publisher

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