Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Where Do They get Their Canadian Bacon?

The commercial I heard this morning about imported Swiss cheese was probably funnier than it should have been

There are just so many stupid commercials on the radio in the Greater Jeremy Area, it's hard to pick just one to skewer.  

Very true.  Another favorite is the garbage collection company who encourages people to shop locally for their garbage pickup.  As if there are plenty of other independent companies on Amazon or something willing to come halfway across the country to pick up my garbage for me.  Garbage collection is a local business...I don't have a lot of internet options available.  

But yeah...there is a meat and cheese company that advertizes on the radio around here all the time, which, for strictly Blag purposes, we'll call "Porcine's Cranium."  I do like their stuff, and the deli across the street from work uses their meats and cheeses in the sandwiches I get there all the time.  They do tend to be more expensive than other deli meats, but supposedly, that's made up for with quality.  

Such as with their Swiss cheese.  They have their own variety of Emmental cheese, which is commonly referred to in the US as "Swiss Cheese."  "Swiss Cheese" as it is, is entirely North American, and has nothing to do with Switzerland, which may seem funny, but it is based on the aforementioned Emmental cheese which originated in the Emmental region of western Switzerland. 

As such, almost all of the Swiss cheese you've ever eaten is domestic.  

Unless, of course, you eat "Porcine's Cranium" Swiss Cheese, which is, as the commercial explicitly states, imported.  Ostensibly, it's imported from Switzerland, and if the company's website is to be believed, it is.  

Of course, when it' on a radio commercial first thing in the morning, it's a lot funnier. 

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