Friday, September 12, 2014


The smoothie place needs to make their product names less embarrassing to order

You should never be embarrassed to order a smoothie.  They're delicious and at least mildly good for you. 

And that's exactly why I go to the smoothie place on occasion.  It's not far from home, they're usually very tasty, and I get a discount through work because...uhm...reasons.   The problem is they have some pretty stupid names for their products.  

For example, recently, I decided to order a smoothie with strawberries, pineapple, orange, and lime.  Sounds pretty amazing, right?  I thought so...but then I actually had to go up to the counter and, in the presence of people other than me and the cashier, order a "Blimey Limey."  This is awful.  I ralize I'm overly self-conscious about this sort of thing, but I don't want to say things like that in public.  

I say things that are probably much more interesting than that when I'm in the comfort of my living room playing video games, like "you like eating glass?" and "rocket launcher all up in yo face!"  These are certainly ridiculous things to have come out of my mouth, but they somewhat make sense within the context of hockey and FPS games (respectively...there are no rocket launchers in my hockey game.)  But it's different when there are witnesses to me saying stupid stuff.  Like, "Rockin' Raspberry."  

I dread the next time I'm in the mood for "Pomegranate Plunge." 

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