Monday, September 15, 2014

Can't Believe It Took This Long

Well, I’ve finally seen somebody with a Robocop tattoo on their neck  

I know you've been searching for this for a while.  Came close oh so many times, but it finally happened.  

Everybody knows Robocop, the iconic 1980s seeker of justice played by Peter Weller.  Many people even like Robocop, though probably not so much after the completely unnecessary remake in 2014.  People show their love for Robocop in various ways, such as saying, "I kinda liked Robocop," to buying a plastic Robocop lunchbox, maybe even a movie poster, or the true apex of fandom, a Robocop phone wallpaper.  

Well, one hipster took things to a level I didn't even think possible.  He got a tattoo of the bust of Robocop.  Seems like a fairly random thing to get a tattoo of, but then again, pretty much every tattoo is a fairly random thing to get a tattoo of.  It would be one thing if he had gotten the tattoo on an inconspicuous part of himself, like a bicep or shoulder blade like most people.  But no, that wasn't good enough for this hipster.  He got Robocop tattooed on the side of his neck.  It's perhaps worthy of note here that the left side of his neck had a picture of Mega Man. 

And now a look behind the scenes here at Jeremy Is In The Office.

I struggled a bit with how to turn this story into a pithy Sametime Status message.  It's clearly Sametime Status material, and I wanted to make light of just how ridiculous this whole thing was.  I felt it necessary to point out the fact that it was a hipster who did this to himself as well, because Nobody Likes Hipsters, and that by itself would add to the comedy and serve as a flimsy excuse to posta link to that video.  The only problem was that I didn't want to put anything insulting in my Sametime Status, since people message me throughout the day looking for a highly trained monkey to do their work for them.  It didn't seem fitting to insult hipsters in the Status itself, so I had to reword it several times in my head before I committed.  It's tough work being me sometimes.  

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