Thursday, September 18, 2014

This Is How I'll Get More!

I should start referring to my friends as “Jeremy Enthusiasts”  

That's a great idea!  Before long, you won't have any confusion about it, because you will have no friends left.  

I disagree.  See, I'm wonderful, and people enjoy being near me.  

Easier to punch you that way.

I have at least 277 friends (According to Facebook...which technically makes them "mateys" since I have my Facebook set to Pirate, but that's beside the point entirely), and I feel like I should do something to reward them for their continued friendship.

Read: Bribe.

So I think they all deserve a title other than "friend."  An honorific, if you will.  However, simply putting a superlative in the mix, like saying "The Esteemed Jeremy's Friend, George" really doesn't do the trick, since once everything is a superlative, then nothing is a superlative.  So, in order to make my friends feel special, I just had to come up with a title that would separate them from the riff raff of general "other people's friends" and make them extra glad to be my friend.  

I decided upon "Jeremy Enthusiast."  

People like being considered an enthusiast for something.  It has the connotation of being learned, valued, and important.  It's classy, much like all of my friends, and it gives them the distinction and satisfaction that should come with being a member of this exclusive group of fine people.  

So, you're welcome, Jeremy Enthusiasts.  Let's all keep up the good work! 

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