Monday, June 8, 2009

Theme Week Part Un

Jeremy’s Sametime Status Proudly Presents: Back From France Week! The Symbol for King Francois I was a fire-breathing Salamander

Gee, Jeremy...where did you go on your vacation a couple weeks ago? can't script me any better than this?

So, I spent some time in Sunny France. Sunny, with the exception of one day which we'll get to later in the week. After returning, I realized that not everybody has been to France, and so it's my moral obligation to present to you the lessons learned on our trip. Today's bit of info, King Francois I.

Francois I (Pronounced Frankie The Eye) was crowned King of France in 1515 and was the main person responsible for the construction of the Chateau du Chambord, a 400-room hunting lodge situated on a 13,000 acre lot perfect for raising a family...that he stayed at for 42 days, give or take.

The Chateau is adorned repeatedly with the symbol of his reign, the Fire-Breathing Salamander, which is common to the area. Also common to the area is Malaryia, which claimed the lives of thousands of French workers and prisoners of war who worked on the construction.

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