Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bring back old and inferior!!!

Sometimes a new look means a new, crappier taste

So you've tried the new Baconnaise?

Sadly, I have not...though I know a few loyal readers would like to. I'm referring to Iced Tea made and bottled by a company we'll leave anonymous, that refers to itself as 2000 pounds of lips.

The adorably tiny cafeteria thing at work used to stock their iced tea in glass bottles. It was cool and delicious. In the last week, they've switched to having the same brand of tea, seemingly the same product, in a plastic bottle...and I have to say, I'm not impressed.

"This is a red wine glass. Can I have my water in a water glass?" You whine too much.

If it was actually even remotely the same tea, I wouldn't have an issue...but it's completely different. Bring back my former tea! I liked it!

1 comment:

Willie Y said...

I love the line "Your right, everything should taste like bacon." I bet the other Jeremy has said that line a couple of hundred times.