Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Theme Week Part Trois

Jeremy’s Sametime Status Proudly Presents: Back From France Week! In certain parts of France, Sauerkraut is an unparalleled delicacy

Not what I typically associate with French cuisine, but okay.

It's true! Parts of France were under German rule back in the days of some king statistically likely to be named Louis. In these areas, the German influence on language, architecture, and food is quite easily noticed.

I enjoyed a meal in this area consisting of Flammenkuchen and what was billed as a meat dish with sauerkraut. While the flammenkuchen is pizza-esque, the meat dish was more Sauerkraut-esque. Sure, there was meat involved, but it was akin to finding a meaty needle in a haystack of cabbage. Seriously...I'm not making this up. I ate more sauerkraut in that one meal than in an entire lifetime of Easter Kapusniak, and by the end of the meal, it looked like I had barely made a dent in the pile. Given the fact that this was very early on in our trip, I didn't speak much French, so I must not have been able to appropriately translate the sign for the sauerkraut dish announcing it as the French answer to The Old 96'er. Too bad, whole group may have been able to eat for free. Sorry, guys.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Was the beer also german inspired?