Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Theme Week, Part 3

Jeremy’s Sametime Status proudly presents: Jeremy’s Bucket List Week! Record the voiceover for an Infomercial. NOT CHECKED

Infomercials? That would be a change of pace.

I know! I've been practicing saying things like "...but WAIT, there's MORE!" and "AMAZING" for years now, and I think I'm ready to break into the big time.

Infomercials are truly amazing things. They show you how the simplest everyday activities can be incredibly cumbersome if you don't have some company's product, or how you can save time by spending time to prepare things for a company's product. For example, everyone's seen the "Snuggie" commercial, where the lady on the couch makes a complete production out of spreading a blanket over her legs, and then falls all over herself trying to answer a phone. If anybody is truly this uncoordinated, they probably won't be able to dial the phone to buy a Snuggie in the first place, but that doesn't matter...the solution to YOUR life is a moronic-looking blanket with sleeves. Also, there's the "Magic Bullet" infomercial where you can make fruit smoothies in 10 seconds as long as you have fruit already cleaned, peeled and sliced small enough to fit into a miniature blender. Since the only things you ever eat in the first place are of a consistency somewhere between paste and liquid, this little wonder can do ALL of your meal preparations for you. The list goes on. I honestly don't know how much money the makers of these worthless remarkably effective products make, but it's got to be small potatoes compared to the earnings of the Infomercial Talent themselves...and it's my time to get in on it!

One important thing to note is that I'm not looking to take down Ron Popeil or Billy Mays, or that headset-wearing chump selling the "Slap Chop." I don't need to be the front-man for any of this stuff. I'm perfectly content being the voiceover guy that tells you how to order.

Here's Ron Popeil doing his own voiceover work for "Mr. Microphone" (Makes a perfect Christmas Gift...apparently):

1 comment:

Willie Y said...

I did not know you could have so much fun with a Mr. Microphone. I want to buy one right now. But I don't want to pay 14.88 or 12.88 or even 10.88. Is there any thing I can do?