Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I don't feel any unluckier

I’m not Irish. I will not magically become more Irish if you keep pinching me. So STOP IT!

Not wearing green today, are you?

I am not. It has little to do with the fact that I'm not Irish...I just don't usually wear green clothes. I'm not even sure I have any green clothes other than THIS SHIRT. Despite the fact that I am an engineer, that shirt's not really appropriate attire for work.

The whole nonsensical statement that "Everybody's Irish on March 17th" is perpetuated largely by the makers of fine Irish beers and liquors in order to entice more people to buy their product, if only for one day out of the year. Even though it will probably work, it won't change the taste if I happen to be wearing a green shirt while drinking it.

My official St. Patrick's Day Stance: I'm not Irish, but I'll still drink Guinness.

Good enough for me.


Jeremy said...

Isn't it amusing that in 49 days most of the people wearing green today will no longer be Irish and will suddenly become Mexican? As a person of Irish-Mexican descent, I find this to be a disgrace.

Behold, the power of beer-centered holidays!

Willie Y said...

Here's to alcohol: the source of, and answer to, all of life's problems.
Homer Simpson

Jeff said...

The fact is, Guiness is disgusting. There, I said it. I mean, I like a hearty beer, but I like it better if it actually tastes & feels like something other than jamming a piece of bread down my throat with every gulp.