Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Not a very hard goodbye, really

Dear Winter; It’s not you, it’s me...

We need to talk.

Winter, we've been through a lot in the last few months. We've had snow and tubing and rain and ice and cold and lousy driving conditions and morons who won't know how to deal with lousy driving conditions. I'm not saying that's all your fault, I'm just saying that I don't think I'm at a time in my life where I'm able to handle that all anymore. I feel constricted...a little suffocated maybe at having to stay inside all the time because of you. I need to go out and explore once in a while...and I don't think I can do that with you.

What I'm trying to say here is that I think we need to spend some time apart. This last snowstorm you gave me really opened my eyes and let me see that I don't really need you anymore. Yes, I know it was only a couple inches, and as much fun as you had with it, having to drag the snowblower out again, and the wind throwing it all back in my face just wasn't the kind of thing I wanted yesterday.

There's a new season that I've noticed a couple times this year...Spring. I haven't started anything with Spring yet, because I wanted some closure with you first. But the warmer temperatures and sun and ability to go outside are really appealing to me right now, and I'd like to explore that and see where it goes.

I know it sounds cliche, but I'd really like to stay friends, since I know I'm going to see you again later this year, but for now...I think it's time for a little separation. I hope you understand.



Anonymous said...

P.S. I'm still pissed about that time I went to Steve's party without you and you totally wigged out, calling me like six times and making it impossible for me to have a good time. You can be such a jealous b!tch sometimes.

Anonymous said...

And don't start me on that night we went out with my friends and you pouted the whole damn time.

Anonymous said...

Or the time you asked me if I would find you less attractive if you weighted 30 pounds more and I said "yes." Then you held it over me for the rest of our damn relationship and said you were starving yourself for me because I would hate you if you were fat.

Anonymous said...

Oh, or that time you started screaming at me in the middle of Kohl's because I used the word "cumbersome" and you didn't know what it meant.