Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Theme Week, Chapter 3

Number Sequence Week! Find Y: 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 9, 5, 1, 1, 0, 55, Y These do get harder, don't they?

That's the idea. By the time Friday comes, you'll be pulling your hair out.

Why'd you use Y today? In the last two puzzles, the object was to find X.

Gee...I have no idea. Maybe it's a ridiculously subtle hint.

So, yesterday, I got 197,582 as my answer. Is that it?

No. The answer to yesterday's sequence is 311311222112. Here's how it works.

All you do is verbally describe the previous term, and turn it into numbers. Like so:
Start with 2
2 Consists of a single two...or "One Two" => 12
12 has "One One, One Two" => 1112
1112 is "Three Ones, One Two" => 3112
and so on, until you get to the last given entry:
1113122112 is made up of "Three Ones, One Three, One One, Two Twos, Two Ones, and One Two" => 311311222112

It's just that simple.

Easy for you to have the answers in front of you.