Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Theme Week, Chapter 2

Number Sequence Week! Find X: 2, 12, 1112, 3112, 132112, 1113122112, X

Well this is an interesting one.

Sure is. So everybody use your mad number sequence recognition skillz to figure this one out and get back to me.

So the answer to yesterday's was 63, right?

No. The answer to yesterday's Sequence is 148. Here's how it works.

1 +1 = 2
2 *1 = 2
2 +2 = 4
4 *2 = 8
8 +3 = 11
11 *3 = 33
33 +4 = 37
37 *4 = 148

So that's how all of these are going to work?

Who knows?

Well...you do. You have them all there on your laptop.

Okay, that's true. But, number sequences have a huge variety of methods of finding the solutions. True "Jeremy Is In The Office" tradition would seem to dictate looking at at least a few of the different ones. I guess we'll see as the week goes on. Good luck everybody!


Jeff said...


Willie Y said...