Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Every now and then, the Blag falls apart

Who wants to hear me sing the classic rock power ballad "Total Eclipse of the Heart" while simultaneously transforming the chorus into one focused on naughty limericks??

Honestly...I don't think I do.

Today's status comes to you once again courtesy of the whimsical webcomic, "Dinosaur Comics" and that lovable T-Rex. Specifically, This Strip which is part of a small series of antics regarding T-Rex rewriting song lyrics.

Utahraptor actually goaded him into this. Isn't HE really the main character?

No. T-Rex is the hero here.

So anyway...what else have you got for us today?

Well, perhaps you remember This Blag Entry from January in which I brought you the darker side of Hockey by showing a clip of a vicious brawl. Well, today, I'd like to also share the seedy underbelly of politics by presenting the following video of a meeting gone horribly awry. Please be warned, this video contains a graphic depiction of a brutal beatdown in a public setting and should not be viewed by anyone with a weak stomach.

Wow...I wouldn't think anyone could do that to another human being. She almost creased her newspaper.

I know! What is the world coming to? Discuss!


Jeff said...

"Grandma, how did you DO that?"



Willie Y said...

It was a brutal attack and I also noticed that it was a couple of sheets of paper not just one.

Oh! ... and all the humanity.