Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Fact Finding Mission

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. - George Eliot

Great! So you'll be keeping quiet today, and I'll run the blag. So everyone...ever notice how...

Nice try. Today's quote comes courtesy of yesterday's Status. So it seems that I hadn't seen the movie "There Will Be Blood" yet, or a Saturday Night Live sketch which sends up a scene from that movie.

Apparently, in that movie there's a scene in which Daniel Day Lewis's character somewhat psychotically makes a metaphor about drinking some guy's milkshake. Whether it's literal or symbolic of something else escapes me at this point, but the clip is available on Youtube if you're so inclined.

Why don't you post it here?

Partially because I don't get it, and partially because that would be illegal.

Mostly because you don't get it, I'm sure.

So anyway...I'd like to thank the various members of The Most Intelligent Readership In The World for showing me some of the light. The fact remains that I still don't get what it means to drink someone's milkshake...especially when it comes to Fantasy Baseball.

You're just hopeless I guess.


Willie Y said...

How about the phrase "can of corn" meaning a easily caught fly ball.

Jeremy said...

The most commonly accepted story behind that is in regards to grocers who would use a stick to knock a can of vegetables off of a high shelf and catch it easily in an outstretched apron.

If you ask me, it a pretty weaksauce story, but really...how many people actually say "Can of Corn" during a baseball game?

Willie Y said...

only older people.