Friday, March 28, 2008

Chuck Norris is actually a distant third

Jet Li could totally whip Jackie Chan’s butt. Discuss.

I don't think the two are all that comparable.

That will soon be irrelevant, as Hollywood has finally listened to me.

They made a sequel to "Battlefield Earth"? I don't think anybody in the world short of John Travolta wants to see that.

What's more important is that Casey Silver productions has finally managed to fire two neurons in somebody's brain and cast Jet Li and Jackie Chan in the same film. It's been my idea for some time to have a 2-hour movie in which these two martial artists kick the crap out of each other the entire time.

In other words, it would be the real-life equivalent of the Family Guy Chicken Fights?

That's pretty much the size of it. So, with the April 18th release of The Forbidden Kingdom, I believe we're one step closer. However, I'm sure they'll mess it up with some sort of plot or characters or something.

What were they thinking?

Speaking of's a hilariously tragic news clip about home improvement:

I...I don't even know how to respond to that.

1 comment:

Willie Y said...

I think I will be a little more careful, after seeing that tragic story, when I mix my salad greens with a hand grenade from now on.