Wednesday, April 2, 2014

nuqDaq 'oH puchpa''e'

Mostly disappointed that the Klingon version of Rosetta Stone was a hoax was personally endorsed by Michael Dorn!  (TV's Mr. Worf, for those who are unawares)

As it turns out, you apparently can't believe everything you see on the internets.  Especially around the end of March/beginning of April time period.  Who knew?  

Unless it's on Wikipedia, then is has to be true.  That's one of the rules.

Exactly.  Anyway,  Thinkgeek offered up a Klingon Language version of the famous Rosetta Stone software for those of you who need to learn the official language of Qo'noS.  I'm sure by now, everyone is aware that Klingon is an entirely real language with College Courses and everything, so it stood to reason that a Rosetta Stone version would exist for it.

Well, it turned out to be bunk.  

I was just as disappointed as you when I found this out.  Maybe I should have watched to the end of the video when it said that the offer was not valid on Earth.  Silly Terrans. 

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