Thursday, April 24, 2014

No Dancing, Either

There was a fox in my back yard recently.  Unfortunately, it didn’t say anything

So we still have no answer to that question.  That's a shame.  

So recently, I added to the stable of wildlife that calls my back yard home.  We're all familiar with my pet deer, my canary Rodney, and the neighbor's cat.  There have also been the occasional sightings of wild turkeys and other birds, noteworthy and otherwise, and there may have been a raccoon at one point, bit I'm not sure.  Well now, I have a fox.  It really was very exciting.

I'm not so sure I've ever seen a fox before, but there was definitely one the other day.  Just trotting his way across my yard, doing his little fox things.

Much to my chagrin, however, he didn't say anything.

If you don't get the joke, I don't understand how, because you're on the internets, so you must have seen This Video by now.  

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