Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Also: Chemtrails!

So I guess it’s back to plastic bags and styrofoam plates for me

Coming down off our Earth Day high horse a little hard, aren't we? 

Well, I figure that if it's good enough for everybody else to pollute and litter the environment 364 days of the year, only to be reminded that we currently only have one planet to work with one day in the middle of April, then it's good enough for me! 

Sure, the Earth is important.  To paraphrase The Tick, it's where I keep all my stuff.  That said, generally speaking, I don't do a whole heck of a lot of good for the environment.  I drive at least 25 miles a day in an only mildly fuel-efficient car (about 26MPH city during the summer...less in winter when I have snow tires), I heat my home with fossil fuels, I use plastic bags on many occasions, the Adorably Tiny Cafeteria Thing In My Building uses plastic utensils, styrofoam plates, styrofoam coffee cups, and sells single-serving snacks in plastic bags.  (God save me, I can't understand why the little bag of Gummi Worms is in the "Healthy Snacks" display)  I fertilize my lawn and use a sprinkler when I plant grass seed.  And my mower runs on gasoline. 

But I don't completely suck. 

Yes, I do a better job than many people when it comes to sorting my trash for recycling.  My car is mildly fuel in I don't drive a giant truck.  I turn lights off when I leave a room and don't leave the water running while I brush my teeth.  I have a programmable thermostat to keep my house cool when I'm not home, and I do try to consolidate my chores into a single driving outing whenever possible. 

So, Earth Day.  Yes, it's a thing.  We all think we're doing wonderful good for our planet by turning the lights off for an hour and reading by the glow of our smartphone screens.  Realistically, we don't care.  We're not going to stop driving.  We're not going to live in the cold (or hot in the summer...hello air conditioning!).  We're not going to magically stop producing garbage.  And we're not going to stop visiting places we eat because they use foam plates.  We're going to watch tv and hear about all the good we're doing by turning off the lights while everyone else believes the environment doesn't care what we do to it.  It's a little sad...because it's the only planet we get. 

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