Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Call Me Kal-El

With great power comes great responsibility.  With regular power comes Internet

Ladies and Gentlemen, Jeremy has returned from his little Sandy-related hiatus.  The Internets are a better place.

Thank you.  It's good to be back!  So as you're aware, unless you live in a cave somewhere other than the eastern seaboard, there was a bit of a hurricane that came through the Greater Jeremy Area, which knocked out my power for about 23 hours.  I would whine about it, but I've been camping so a lack of power is no big deal, and there are people who got much worse hands dealt to them by Sandy, so all in all, things went well.  I decided to get back to what I do best...or like...third or fourth best, maybe...making jokes!  

Today's joke deals with Spiderman, and works on many, many levels.  See, you have the play on a famous catch phrase, the storytelling of my lack of electricity, the juxtaposition of two different denotations of the word "power," the fact that I got to use the word "juxtaposition," and the antithesis between "Responsibility" and "Internet." 

Yes, the Internet is a place of a lack of responsibility.  People hide behind apparent anonymity to do all sorts of untold things.  There's your basic Trolling, there's comments on Youtube, 4chan, piracy, and Twitter.  Nobody thinks of any sort of responsibility for things they do online...unless you're a mildly popular Blogger who posts his Sametime Statuses on a webpage. 

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