Thursday, October 18, 2012

Can I? Really?

That wasn’t my friend on the radio this morning

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was the local Congresswoman.  

This isn't another political rant, don't worry. it just me...

A thousand times, yes.  It's just you.  It's always just you.

...but the local morning radio show often features a lot of local callers telling stories and jokes along with the hosts.  The hosts will announce the caller's name before giving them the airtime to speak.  Many times, the caller will have the same first name as a friend of mine.  It causes me to become a little excited, anticipating hearing my friend on the radio.  Not that being on the radio is all that special anymore...I mean, the trendy thing to do now is to get your own Deplorable Reality TV Show.  Anyway, my moment of anxious anticipation is always deflated when some other voice comes over the airwaves.

I can't be the only one who has this thought.     

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