Thursday, March 25, 2010

Strangely Important

Dear Coke. Your new bottles are much more stylish, but they no longer fit in my fridge.

Get a bigger fridge.

I fear with the corporate attitude towards things that aren't money (ie: People), that would be a faster solution than having Coke change back to normally-shaped two-liter bottles.

You could also buy cans. They tend to be smaller.

This is true, but it's become financially unviable. The cost of a 12-pack of Coke cans has nearly doubled in the last 2 years, to the point where I simply don't buy them unless they're on sale. Strangely enough, the cost of a 2-liter bottle hasn't changed all that much lately, and they're always on sale. Because of this, I've tended to get those instead. Now, Coke has gone and thrown an additional monkey wrench in the works.

Poor premise, worst hook ever...this rant is lousy. Please continue.

Coke has reinvented the two-liter bottle. It's now more shapely and resembles one of their old-fashioned glass bottles. It's very nice to look at, and stands out well in the store from the wall of other available 2-liters. It's also slightly easier to grip, for those of you who don't just grab it by the cap. The unfortunate by-product of this redesign is that the bottle is a full 2 inches taller by a measurement I made by putting my fingers in front of my face and going "ehhhhhhhhhh...THAT much!"

The important thing to know is that the bottle is now too tall to fit in my refrigerator. I have to lay it flat, at which point, it takes up more valuable shelf space. Something needs to be done!

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