Friday, March 26, 2010


Why squirrel hate me?

Hahaha....I love that commercial.'s some new commercial for an airline or something which follows the story of a movie producer and her quirky director. The director is filming a movie about squirrels riding on mopeds. It makes sense when you see it.

Of course, when filming, children and animals are the hardest things to work with...and squirrels would obviously be among the harder animals to film. So it stands to reason that the director would be having issues.

The commercial ends with the director talking to the producer and asks "Why squirrel hate me?" and that's very funny to me.

It's funny because he's such a jerk the rest of the time, and the squirrel makes him sad.

It's also funny because there's no way a squirrel can explain why it hates a director, so asking the producer that question could not have possibly yielded an answer...

On no....

Happy Rhetorical Friday, everyone!!!

I hate you.

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