Friday, March 5, 2010

How can you threaten a plastic fish?

Give me back the brain cells that got destroyed while listening to that accursed Fillet-O-Fish jingle.


Why did you do that?

It's more fun to annoy you than to agree....even though that is the worst jingle ever.

I see. So anyway...Lent is supposed to be a spiritual time, or something...but McDonald's has chosen to turn people's religious observances into profit by pushing their fish sandwich during a time when many Christians choose not to eat meat on Fridays. Jerks.

It wouldn't be so bad if they did a good job of it, but they give us this horrific commercial. I'm sure you've seen it, but if you haven't, it involves one of those singing plastic fish hanging on the wall. So they take the flawed concept of the plastic singing fish (If you actually bought one of those, stop reading now, and never come back to my Blag)'s a twist...make it sing.

Bad singing fish plus bad jingle...sounds like a perfect storm.

Unlike "Plan 9 From Outer Space" this is not one of those 'so bad it's good' moments. This thing is just awful. I think I'm going to kick Ronald McDonald in the face next time I see him for allowing this sort of thing to happen.

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