Monday, March 22, 2010

Even worse than you might think

I need my snakes!

Ladies and Gentlemen...if you'll please check around your computing area, Jeremy has apparently misplaced his pet snakes. Fortunately, only one of them is poisonous...and only mildly so, anyway.

Yeah, no...don't have any pet snakes. Today's Sametime Status is brought to you courtesy of the insanely bad motion picture "Snakes on a Train."

Snakes on a Plane?

Nope...not a typo. Apparently, somebody wanted to capitalize on the "Snakes on a Plane" hype and made something of a tie-in film. When I first saw the DVD, I had assumed it would be a spoof or something...such was not the case.

So you actually paid money for this?

Nope...I jacked the DVD from a loyal reader's house.

You do that a lot.

And I'm never not sorry that I do. Anyway...the line from today's Sametime Status comes in because the woman who is responsible for the snakes is running around trying to collect them so she can eat them and turn into a giant snake herself that proceeds to devour the entire train and disappear into an Oz-like flaming vortex of nothingness...I'm actually not making this up. Oh by the way...that line was a spoiler, so don't read it if you intend to watch the film.

By the way, that last line was ironic, because nobody should ever intend to watch the film. Ever.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Next: Rakes on a Crane