Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So apparently, the lamb is a little soggy this year.

So it's raining again?

Yep...much like the writers of Saturday Night Live, Mother Nature just doesn't seem to know when a joke is over. It wasn't all that long ago we got buried in the type of heavy snow that takes down trees and power lines, and now we've gotten so much rain, lots of stuff is flooding. Mother Nature would appear to be against us for some reason...and I'd like her to stop.

That said, the forecast is for lovely weather for the rest of the week and into the weekend...which coincides with the beginning of April. Which brings me to today's Sametime Status. Everyone knows that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb...unless you live in a less bipolar climate. Today being the last day of March means it's lamb time...and today's lamb is getting rained on, and is potentially swimming in some flooded street somewhere.

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