Wednesday, October 28, 2009

They're Still On Notice

The one time UPS does something right, and I'm not around to see it.

Okay seriously,'re going to get us sued.

I would actually love to see those court papers..."UPS vs Jeremy and his Imaginary Alter Persona"

Get on with it.

So, I've told you before about my feelings for UPS and their dubious success record for me. Well, they finally got one right...and I'm the one who managed to screw it up.

Way to go, pinhead.

So yesterday was the long-long-long-long-long awaited release of the new Trans-Siberian Orchestra album "Night Castle". Not wanting to be without the disc any longer than the 4 years that it was already delayed, I ordered mine online in advance, and it was to be shipped in time for me to have it Tuesday. I thought at one point I read in an email that it would be delivered monday. Extra exciting!

Lousy hook. Continue.

Monday afternoon, I come home from work, and there is no package waiting for me. I figured it's no big deal since CD's always come out on Tuesday, so mine should be delivered on Tuesday and I erred in reading the email. I left the house a little before 5:30 to play volleyball and by the time I got home, it was dark. Little did I know that UPS showed up just after 6PM and left the package on my doorstep. I simply missed it on my way back in.

That night, I was asked by a friend how the CD was, since I had mentioned that I thought it would come on monday. I had to humbly say that I was mistaken in the delivery date and that the CD was not in my possession, not knowing that the box lay no more than 15 feet away.

On a lark, I checked the UPS tracking website Tuesday morning to find that the CD was delivered monday evening. I'm an idiot.

Yes you are.

So, to my friends at UPS: Thanks for delivering my CD on time and leaving it safely on my doorstep. I take back one of the bad things I've said about you over the years, but remind you that you are still on delivery probation. Now that you've proven you can deliver correctly, I will expect continued proper service in the future.

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