Monday, October 5, 2009

There's no Spam filter on Blags

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Jeremy apparently suffered a massive head injury this weekend, resulting in today's Sametime Status. We all hope for the best and wish him a speedy recovery.

Actually, I'm head injuries at all.

Oh...sorry. I thought with whatever nonsense you posted here today that you brain was no longer wired for cognitive thinking.

It's actually close to that. Today's Sametime Status comes to you courtesy of some Spambot sending me email designed to get me to go to some website and order a product to make something bigger or smaller...or maybe send my bank account info to the deposed Prince of Zamunda...or claim my reward from some foreign lottery. It's all gold.

Either way, one technique used by Spambots to avoid filters is to splatter some actual words into the email to make filters think it's a legitimate email. The result is the amusing sentence written above.

1 comment:

Tim said...

I feel the need to acknowledge your Prince of Zamunda reference, since nobody else seems to have gotten it. Classic cinema: But watch Trading Places first if you want to understand the Randolph and Mortimer cameo.