Monday, October 12, 2009

What did this mean?

Déjà vu: The experience of feeling sure that one has experienced a new situation previously.

Would this have anything to do with you losing the finals of a volleyball tournament for the fourth time this season?

No, but thanks for bringing that up.

It's what I do.

Today's Sametime Status is something more along the lines of a series of messages designed to edutain people about various parapsychological conditions...or something.

Maybe some of the loyal readers can peer into the future and realize when this is coming up so they can avoid this crap.

Well...many of my loyal readers do try to see messages in the future. Usually they say something mildly amusing or do something mildly idiotic and say "Oh...I know what tomorrow's Sametime Status is going to be." 87% of the time, they're wrong...about the same success rate as any other ESP ability test and every other time I have to quote a statistic on this Blag, which is a remarkable coincidence.

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