Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Oral hygiene depends on it!

When did toothpaste become so complicated?

Oh for the love of all things good and plenty, please tell me that Rhetorical Friday isn't spilling over into Wednesday now.

Not at all. Today's Sametime Status is most definitely NOT a rhetorical question. I really want to know when toothpaste got so complicated.

Never found it all that squeeze from the bottom, put it on the brush and go to town. What part of that escapes you?

I recently got a new tube of toothpaste...and as is often the case nowadays, it's sealed for my protection. It had some goofy inverted plastic cap inside the standard plastic cap...and I could not figure out how to get it out. I poked at it and it just popped a hole in the center...then I tried to pull it out, but it tore, and I finally managed to just shove it the rest of the way into the tube to allow the toothpaste to flow unobstructed for now. I'm sure it will clog up again very shortly, though.

So I ask again...when did we start putting this bizarre non-removable cap in my toothpaste?

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