Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Why is it that only lousy songs get stuck in your head?

Because you only listen to lousy songs? Come on...I've seen the list on the Blag here.

Everyone has had a song stuck in their head...and the reaction is always the same. "Awe crap! I have that awful ____ song stuck in my head! MAKE IT STOP FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS GOOD AND PLENTY!!!"

Overreaction, party of one. Your table is now ready.

You get the idea. Whenever you get a song stuck in your head, it tends to suck. So instead of an actual good song that can be entertaining me all morning, I get stuck with that new crappy song by a group that could also be named "Asthmatic." That song stinks, by the way.


Willie Y said...

How about having "Yummy Yummy Yummy I've Love in My Tummy "stuck in your head for two weeks. Someone please shoot me.

Jeremy Dailey said...

Did someone watch a particular Monty Python episode?