Monday, September 15, 2008

Guess I'll go back to ironing the old-fashioned way

My dreams of Steamroller Ownership have been dashed.

Awwe....somebody bought the steamroller?

It certainly looks that way. If you remember A Little While Back, I contemplated buying a steamroller simply because it was for sale on my way in to work. Well, the steamroller itself is no longer there, but the "For Sale" sign is still stuck to the tree. This could mean a number of things. Maybe the Steamroller is still for sale, and just got moved inside due to weather concerns, the owner simply forgot to take the For Sale sign down, or now, the tree is for sale.

You should offer to buy the tree.

I don't have room in my car for a tree. I'd have to borrow somebody's truck or something...not to mention a shovel to dig it up out of the ground. I imagine it weighs a couple tons, too.

So in order to cheer myself up, I decided to post this montage of people getting hit in the face with exercise balls. Enjoy!


Jeremy Dailey said...

Here's something to cheer you up...

Break out the tarps in the stands!

Willie Y said...

There is nothing better than to see someone get smacked in the face with a ball.